Hydrogen Challenge: Gen Z meets Pietro Fiorentini  

29 September 2023  -  Corporate

Quizzes, puzzles, tests: the 27th of September 2023 was the day of the Hydrogen Challenge at the headquarters of Pietro Fiorentini.

Twenty-one students of Engineering, Economics and Science were in our company to talk about renewable energy, energy transition, hydrogen and the projects in memory of our colleague Matteo Cazzola.

The Hydrogen Challenge aim was to promote two important initiatives. The first, a full scholarship for the 30th edition of the Business Management Master at CUOA Business School. The second, an award for master’s degree students with thesis projects on innovative solutions for the energy transition, decarbonisation and the use of hydrogen as an energy vector in collaboration with the Alumni Association and the Association of Friends of the University of Padua, and the support of the Schools of Science and Engineering and the University of Padua.


During the day, the participants also visit the Hydrogen Innovation Lab by Pietro Fiorentini, one of the most innovative experimental centres in Italy. It’s named after Matteo: the enthusiasm and passion with which in his professional career he approached renewable energy and hydrogen-related projects, were fundamental to the realisation of the laboratory, which has been inaugurated at the end of 2022.


Talent, passion, positivity, technical skills: the Hydrgoen Challenge was an opportunity to welcome bright young people with the values that set Matteo apart and that are part of Pietro Fiorentini.


Thanks to all the colleagues involved, the young guests and the representatives of the institutions and associations that are collaborating with us on these projects, in particular:

Giuseppe Caldiera, General Manager @ CUOA Business School

Ivana Simeone, Head of Learning & Innovation and of the Master in Business Management @ CUOA Business School

Valentina Danieletto, JobCareer Center Coordinator @ CUOA Business School

Alessia Mattiolo, Marketing and Communication @ CUOA Business School

Cristina Felicioni, Executive Director @ Alumni University of Padua and @ Friends University of Padua

Silvia Spadaro, Marketing and Communication Manager @ Alumni University of Padua



For more information on the initiatives:

scholarship in memory of Matteo Cazzola

degree award in memory of Matteo Cazzola


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