Pietro Fiorentini donated 100,000 € to the San Bortolo Foundation in Vicenza
02 April 2020 - ESGAt this challenging time for the entire community, Pietro Fiorentini decided to make his direct contribution by donating the sum of 100,000 € to the San Bortolo Foundation in Vicenza.
The donation has been facilitated by direct relationship with President Franco Scannagatta, and it will allow the Foundation to support the Vicenza Hospital in the purchase of machineries and tools necessary for the treatment of patients suffering from Covid-19.
The donation will support nurses, doctors, scientists and volunteers, who have been working tirelessly for weeks to fight this epidemic. Our thoughts go to them and to all those who have been affected, directly or indirectly, by Coronavirus.
It is important to join forces to face an emergency that affects everyone, so we invite you to join the initiative and contribute with private donations through IBAN IT90X 03069 11894 10 000 000 2765.
Further information is available on the website of the San Bortolo Foundation at https://www.fondazionesanbortolo.it/index.php/attualita/news/item/emergenza-coronavirus-raccolta-fondi
Focus on: Fondazione San Bortolo
Fondazione San Bortolo Onlus is a non-profit association founded in 2008 by a group of citizens who have decided to support the Vicenza Hospital to support all its patients, from children to the elderly. The Foundation raises funds for the purchase of new high-tech equipment and the improvement of hospital wards for operators and patients, also supporting initiatives like scholarships and training.