French Erasmus: the Gazfio experience of the ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto students
31 January 2023 - CorporateAn adventure that started from the Vicenza and Conegliano branches of ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto and landed in the French subsidiary of Pietro Fiorentini in Romilly-sur-Andelle: Paolo Maddalosso and Alberto Caichiolo, second-year students at the professional post-diploma course, had a training experience in Gazfio at the end of 2022.
Paolo, student of Computer Science in Industry 4.0, was welcomed in the Transmission & Distribution System Operators department, where he followed the complete installation of a biomethane injection station, while Alberto, who is finishing his path as a Higher Technician in Automation and Mechatronic Systems, experienced the main activities required to maintenance technicians. Despite the young age, they have demonstrated seriousness, professionalism and the right attitude, as told by their colleagues and managers.
Although the best known is the university version, the European programme Erasmus+ also offers opportunities for training, volunteering, and working abroad. These are all-round experiences, involving the personal and professional spheres, and thanks to which young people approaching the world of work can discover the skills required by companies and their own aptitudes and preferences.
With this aim in view, Pietro Fiorentini has been working closely with ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto since 2011, welcoming students for their apprenticeships. Currently, there are six students in the Arcugnano (Vicenza) plant, plus one in the San Vito al Tagliamento (Pordenone) site, each followed by a tutor who helps them step by step during this experience.
Giorgio Spanevello, General Director of ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto, commented: “Once at work, our students will measure themselves with global companies, so they need gaining experience abroad. We are aware that to keep 98% employability after the two-year period also depends on the ability to measure oneself in international contexts. Erasmus+ is an experience of strong growth both on a personal and professional level that allows you to transfer what you have learnt to the productive reality once you return to Italy, just as Paolo and Alberto are doing.”
Focus on: ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto
The ITS Academy Meccatronico Veneto is included in the national ITS system and specifically in Area 4 – IT’S ITALY – dedicated to Technologies for Made in Italy. It is a Higher Technological Institute specialised in the mechatronics area, with a post-diploma training offer characterised by a high percentage (at least 50%) of in-company training according to specific agreed projects and by teaching activity strongly based on project work, simulations of cases, laboratory. The goal is to train a Higher Technician who responds to national and regional standards to whose definition companies contribute in a fundamental and indispensable way. www.itsmeccatronico.it