Pietro Fiorentini among the Best Managed Companies of Italy
28 September 2021 - CorporateWe are pleased to announce a new recognition received by Pietro Fiorentini Group: We have been included among the winners of the 4th edition of the Best Managed Companies Award by Deloitte Private.
Established to support and reward Italian companies that excel in terms of organisational capacity, strategy and performance, this initiative is supported by ALTIS Università Cattolica, ELITE, the London Stock Exchange Group programme that promotes the development and growth of high-potential companies, and Confindustria.
The 74 winners of the 2021 Best Managed Companies Award were identified analysing six criteria:
- strategy;
- skills and innovation;
- commitment and corporate culture;
- governance and performance;
- internationalisation;
- sustainability.
An independent jury formed by leading figures from the Italian industrial, academic, and institutional world selected the winners to reward companies that stand out by becoming market leaders and pursuing excellence in all aspects of business management.
“We are proud to receive this important recognition from Deloitte” stated Mario Nardi, CEO of Pietro Fiorentini Group. “Our results have been achieved thanks to our commitment and continuous search for improvement, a logical consequence of the development of intellectual capital within our Company.”
Focus on: BMC Award
The Deloitte Best Managed Companies Award was established in Canada in 1993 and grew year on year in terms of number of countries involved. Through the analysis of critical success factors identified by Deloitte and a selection methodology that has been developed for more than 25 years at an international level, the objective of this initiative is not only to collect best practices that serve as an example for all other companies, but also to create a process of stimulus and support dedicated to the Best Managed Companies themselves for their continuous improvement. https://www2.deloitte.com